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Dave Marron

"Beautiful" Sunday

2006-09-04 - 8:36 a.m.

Sunday morning.

I stumble into the hospital on eight hours of sleep in two days. I go to the third floor, which is where I was told to go. Wrong place...the sleep clinic is definately NOT in the maternity ward.

They send me to the medical building. The third floor is one in sight.

I call the appointment number. I'm told to go back to the hospital, to respiratory on the first floor. Wrong again - RADIOLOGY is on the first floor. The guy at Radiology sends me to the SECOND floor. I go up there and THEN I'm in the right place.

I fill out paperwork, and got instructions on how to hook up the device. One sensor on my chest, one on my fingertip, and tubing in my nose and mouth. I'm to return it Monday before 10am.

Since I have another hour-plus before I have to be at work, I go to breakfast. While I'm reading the comics, I get a call from the guy at the sleep clinic. He FORGOT that Monday was a holiday, so I have to return the unit on Tuesday before 10am. I tell him I have a doctor's appointment at 9am about ten miles away. No problem, he says: the clinic opens at 7am, so I can drop it off BEFORE.

Great. Tuesday is going to start off on SUCH a high note.

I start work. The employee who was supposed to be there at 11 calls, saying she's going to be thirty minutes late. No problem. We open at noon...plenty of time to have everything set.

At noon, she's not there...and neither is the other two employees who started at noon. So I open alone. At 12:10, two of the three show. Sheese.

At 1pm, I call another supervisor about the no-show (it was supposed to be her first day at work, and she doesn't show). He tells me that the no-show had found another job and wasn't working for us. Nobody bothered to tell me, or change the shedule to show she wasn't working. So it's Labor Day weekend, and I'm a man short. Swell.

I finally get out of work for the day. I go home, order a pizza...and find out that delivery is a 90-minute wait. I get dressed again and go pick it up.

I sit and watch the Angels beat Detroit...about the only good point to the day, other than the pizza. I had the new Sicilian Lasagna Pizza from Pizza Hut. REALLY good.

After the game, I go online for a bit, but I'm yawning and dozing off. At 9pm I suit up in this thing. I climb into bed...and can't sleep. Wide awake.

Eventually I do sleep. At 1am, I wake to find out the tubing had come off my face. I re-tape it and go back to bed.

At 7am, I wake up to find the battery is dead. I guess it's supposed to be. I fill out paperwork, and put it all away.

I go online, and find out Steve Irwin met his match.

That's why the quotes.


Sorry for the depressing report, but that's what happens. Life isn't always pretty, and that's one reason why I have this blog: to share my life.

I hope today is better...for me, and for you.

Watch the drinking and driving. Someone needs you.

Be seeing you.


4 comments so far

le-fart - 2006-09-04 11:46:57 -
You ate that pizza all by yourself!!!!!!!????? What are you, like, a pizza by himself eating man or what!!!!! I so wanna nuzzle you!!!! (For punishment)


artgnome - 2006-09-04 12:02:12 -
I hear ya and sympathize. My life ain't been a bowl of cherries lately either, and lack of sleep is torture. I hope you are sleeping deep and feeling better soon! best.


Brin - 2006-09-04 12:33:54 -
I hope your gadget collected enough information for the diagnosis! Hang in there. Love ya, old buddy!


Dave - 2006-09-04 12:34:49 -
I didn't eat the entire pizza at one sitting. I ate alone, but not the whole thing. :)


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