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Let The Day Begin

2006-12-13 - 10:48 a.m.

Gee, what an interesting morning...and I've only been awake a few hours.

Got an early text message this morning on my still-cracked phone telling me that Peter Boyle passed, at 71.

I must admit that about the only thing I've really watched him in is a few episodes of "NYPD Blue" and an episode of "Mind Of Mencia". I saw "Young Frankenstein" when I was very young, and don't remember much of it (except for the "Puttin' On The Ritz" segment, natch). I didn't watch "Everybody Loves Raymond". But I do know he was loved and respected by many. I think he did an ep of "Inside The Actor's Studio"; if that's so, look for it to repeat soon.

Regrets to his family.


Just now, I got a phone call from an old friend. Marilyn moved to Vegas awhile ago, and she was calling to get my new e-mail address. We chatted for a bit, and I brought her up to date on what has been happening with me.

It's always nice to hear from people you haven't spoken to in a long time.


Good Lord, I'm famous.

I'll probably add to it...maybe do a little bio. Please, folks - no malicious editing, okay?


Here's the video for today's title.

Anyone remember when the original MTV actually SHOWED videos??


Well, I need to go to Verizon and ask a few more questions.

Here's to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Let the day begin.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Smed - 2006-12-13 14:01:54 -
Ah, of course. In college, we always watched it, and then my best bud and I always stayed up for 120 Minutes on Sunday night. Memories...


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