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Dammit, Janet

2007-02-16 - 12:45 p.m.

Well, I went to Disneyland yesterday, and had to do something I hated to do: I used their ATM.

At least they have switched from Bank Of America to Chase.

Have any of you been watching this? BoA is now saying that, even without a social security number, they will let you have a credit card if you keep a checking account for three months. You don't need any form of ID, credit history...or even proof that you are employed:

LOS ANGELES -- In the latest sign of the U.S. banking industry's aggressive pursuit of the Hispanic market, Bank of America Corp. has quietly begun offering credit cards to customers without Social Security numbers -- typically illegal immigrants.

In recent years, banks across the country have begun offering checking accounts and, in some cases, mortgages to the nation's fast-growing ranks of undocumented immigrants, most of whom are Hispanic. But these immigrants generally haven't been able to get major credit cards, making it hard for them to develop a credit history and expand their purchasing power.

The new Bank of America program is open to people who lack both a Social Security number and a credit history, as long as they have held a checking account with the bank for three months without an overdraft. Most adults in the U.S. who don't have a Social Security number are undocumented immigrants.

The entire article is here.

BoA is targeting Hispanics - they've said so. They want their business. Open a checking account, put in the bare minimum, get that free credit card...max it out, and you're gone. How will they find you? With no ID, they don't even know if they got a real name.

Who will pay? BoA customers, that's who. And BoA, in the long run. If they are helping illegal aliens - NOT immigrants, but people who are in this country ILLEGALLY - they are aiding and abetting.

I refuse to do business with BoA. Not even at a BoA ATM. Until this is ended.


In the You Said It, I Didn't Dept.:

Jack Bauer's filthy mouth.

Don't play the game to this video, gang. You'll kill yourselves.


I belong to a mailing list for the band Ambrosia. One of the original creators and moderators is having a nightmare.

As I type this, his wife is going under the remove a brain tumor. Rex is worried sick, of course, as are all of us on the list.

I'd appreciate it if you'd send some good thoughts out there for Suzanne.

Thank you.


I have laundry to do today.

Be seeing you...and hopefully you too, Suzanne.


1 comments so far

artgnome - 2007-02-16 17:22:06 -
I remember that band and I will be praying for Suzanne. That BoA scam is horrible, I will be avoiding their business.


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