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Daytime Nighttime Suffering

2007-04-25 - 11:05 a.m.

Pretty good day yesterday.

Got to watch some of the Angels game against Detroit. They lead 7-2 when I went to work. When I checked in later, it was 8-7 in the top of the 9th. Ouch. They wound up staying in and winning 9-8, in ten innings.

There's a day game tomorrow. I'm going to try to go.


Then I worked, grabbed some late dinner, and came home.

Folks, a friendly warning: try not to eat Weinerschnitzel chili cheese dogs before bed.

The sleep was fine, but the dreams were WEIRD.


Not much going on in the news today.

Over on our friend Art's blog is this entry. He mentions feeling kinda depressed for no particular reason.

Ya know...I don't know what it is, but this last week has been kinda strange for me, too. I've really been feeling kind of...blah. Not serious, just kinda sad. The days seem to be dragging on me. Everything is fine; I'm in pretty good financial shape, my health is okay.

Things just kind of...are.

Maybe it's just stuck-in-a-rut time. I need to shake things up a bit. Like go to a ball game.

That would be better than today - today I go back to the dentist for part two of the deep cleaning. Oh joy.


Onward to the torture chamber.

Be seeing you.


UPDATE: Got the ticket for the ball game. Now you know what I'm doing tomorrow.

Okay, off to the dentist.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin - 2007-04-25 14:08:39 -
Yeah, I keep waking up thinking it's Friday, and it's only Monday or Tuesday. Anyway, if you make it to the ball game, the camera will surely sight your gleaming smile.


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