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Cruel Summer

2007-07-02 - 1:43 p.m.

Well, it seems to be official: summer (or at least global warming) is here.

It's now July, and temperatures have finally topped the 90s. My neat little desktop weather unit gave me an alert that there's a huge high pressure front coming in, and temperatures will reach up to 105 in the innermost sections of Orange County.

It's times like this that I start putting water dishes out for the neighborhood cats. They're gonna be roasting with all that fur.

If you all have pets, make sure they have lots of water before you go to work.

For all they do for YOU, it's the least you can do for THEM.


And now, today's global warming Moment of Zen.

We have a proven solution, gang. He's right on target. This WILL work, and we don't even have to switch to hybrids!!


And it seems more of Gore's claims are being refuted.

Yeah, yeah...they're all on the government payrolls.


Time to take a cold shower and prep for work.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Brin - 2007-07-02 16:56:06 -
As I've seen for myself in the hot summer at your place of work, the cold shower will serve a dual purpose. Wow! Lots of nice summer cleavage!


artgnome - 2007-07-02 20:55:22 -
Thanks for that opinion piece. Just another example of the media raging on an already paranoid nation, thanks to all their false alarms!


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