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Sunday Bloody Sunday

2007-07-16 - 1:08 p.m.

Well, I was working on the backstop of one of the bowling lanes. I misjudged my angle, stood up, and gouged my head real good on a corner of the pinsetter. So there's blood running through my hair and down into my eyebrow, while I'm trying to tighten bolts with a ratchet.

I finished and got myself cleaned up. It's not that bad - scalp wounds bleed. Any man who has cut himself shaving or any mom whose child has gotten a gash on his forehead knows this.

But I did scare a customer who happened to be standing outside the maintenence enclosure when I got out of it. Bless her - she was right there, asking if I was okay.

We've had these things for about a month, and I've shed more blood working on them than anything in the entire location. I'm gonna start calling it "the mangler".


Then it was a game night. Learned to play Blue Moon City, TransAmerica, and got to play Chrononauts for the first time.

Then I kibbitzed during a long game of Bang!.

Then I went home and fell down for the night.


All else is quiet. Got some things to do before work, including taking a (careful) shower.

Sorry for such a short post. I'm okay. Really.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

artgnome - 2007-07-16 19:32:52 -
heh, who knew bowling could be so dangerous or high maintenance! feel better soon.


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