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Brothers And Sisters

2007-08-06 - 1:03 p.m.

I took Saturday off and went down to Oceanside for the day. The reason? A family reunion.

The side was my paternal. My biological dad even flew out from Pennsylvania. And both sides of HIS family showed - aunts, uncles, cousins. Dozens of them. There must have been about 100 people there.

My sister and her daughter (my niece) flew down from Sacramento for the day. I hadn't seen them for the better part of two years, same as my dad. The immediate family - my brother John's family (his wife and son [my nephew], and his son's girlfriend), my sister Natalie and niece Elena, and a couple cousins that John knew but I had never met - tended to hang together and catch up. I tried to circulate - I got to visit with my dad's sisters (Essie and Joy), and Thaddeus (a cousin, I think) and so many more that I just can't remember.

And the food was plentiful. We were told it was BYOF and BYOB. I had grabbed an early lunch before heading onto the freeway, simply because 1) I felt a little silly bringing food for only me, and 2) I didn't want to mooch off of everyone else. I needn't have worried about the mooching - EVERYBODY kept telling me "there's food over here" and "there's tri-tip on the barbecue, have some" and "there's tortillas, make yourself a taco". I did NOT make a pig of myself, although I certainly could have. I waited until about 1 1/2 hours after I got there, and even then I didn't eat much. I stuck with my water bottle.

At about 4, the group mentioned above (along with my dad and his sisters and a couple more folks) all headed to my cousin Suzanne's house to continue the party. Daquiris made with fresh peaches flowed (along with non-alcoholic versions for me and a couple others), and more food appeared. Again, I partook but didn't overdo it. I learned that Bob and Suzanne host family get-togethers a couple times a year, and the only reason I didn't know was that they didn't have my e-mail. They took it down and promised to let me know when the next one was. Last time, my nephew brought a bunch of his friends and their musical instruments and had a huge jam session. I was invited to bring my drum kit down for the next one, whenever it happens. I just may do that.

At 7pm, an extra TV was brought out and the Padres-Giants game came on (Bob and Suzanne are big Padres fans). I got to see Barry Bonds tie Henry Aaron's home run record.

As the game continued, folks started to drift out. I decided to stay until Bonds' last at-bat, just to see if he'd actually break the record. Bonds finished in the 8th, and Bob and Suzanne invited me to stay until the end. I said I would - I mean, it was the top of the 8th, so I wouldn't be there much longer.

In the bottom of the 12th, the Padres broke a 2-2 tie to end it. My uncle Gene and I were the last ones there, and we both headed out. I finally made it home at about 12:15am and collapsed shortly after that.

It was a good time. Hopefully I'll get to go to a few more.


I spent Sunday at work, and at home recovering.

Today, back to my usual schedule.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin - 2007-08-06 16:08:09 -
Family reunions are fascinating things; having been to one of my own in the not too distant past. We all go there as separate people, but somehow become a part of a bigger thing before it's time to go home again. Glad you had a good time!


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