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Crazy From The Heat

2007-08-30 - 1:00 p.m.

Woke up today and it was already in the 90s. It's the kind of day where you just want to sit in an air-conditioned rrom with a cold beer and relax.

Wish I could - work today. We have a gig Saturday night, so I'm taking Saturday off instead.

Roommate Jim said he was going to cook for his date again. Hey, I'm all for it - I just hope he doesn't broil himself in the kitchen, too.


Over at National Review, Deroy Murdock argues against those who believe that Michael Vick's actions are "a black thing".

And even though Murdock is black, I'm sure someone will say that Murdock doesn't understand "black culture" because he's too successful...kind of like Bill Cosby was called names after the famous "pound cake speech".

Someday, you'll be able to say something brilliant and not have your race brought into it.


Gonna grab some lunch and then off to work.

Oh, and some water, too.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

artgnome - 2007-08-30 16:18:38 -
Did you get your button? Or did I not properly decipher the code? let me know.


Bob - 2007-08-31 08:25:13 -
The reason it's a mistake to excuse Vick's actions as a 'cultural' thing is that it perpetuates stereotypes. So you're not really fighting racism, you're just adding to the list of things (real or imagined) that people will think of when they say, 'black'. Or, if you want to be thought of as a vicious thug, go ahead and claim it your cultural heritage.


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