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Tired Of Toein' The Line

2007-09-07 - 2:12 p.m.

Well, due to spending about 4 1/2 hours dealing with other things, I didn't make the restaurant or the batting practice as I intended.

But I did make the game.

The Angels had a 3-1 deficit going into the bottom of the 5th, but came roaring back. Casey Kotchman has recovered nicely from his bell-ringing - he doubled twice and drove in three. Garrett Anderson homered in the 8th. There were doubles all over the place. When it was all over, the Angels had won 10-3.

I even got up on the big screen. There was a TV cameraman nearby, and he pointed it at us a couple times. Once I saw the back of my head up on the huge Trinitron, I turned to face the camera and waved...along with the folks next to me and the four pretty girls in front of me.

He was probably just aiming at the girls. But it was still fun.


After it was over, I made my way down to the bottom levels of the stadium...and saw that the ticket window was still open.

So I bought a ticket for the September 20 game against the Seattle Mariners, in almost the exact same spot as this game.

The seats are pretty good. And by actually going there, I didn't have to spend the $11 extra in "convenience fees" and such from Ticketmaster.

Right now the Angels are eight games ahead of the Mariners. Let's hope that the game I see doesn't give the Mariners the division lead.


Religion of peace and tolerance? Yeah, right.

As long as you give in.

UPDATE: Or convert.


Neil Boortz' blog has this entry in the Redneck Scrap Book.

I HOPE it's Photoshopped. If not, I'm staying the hell OUT of that neighborhood.


Onward to the day. Hopefully a surprise will be at the PO.

Be seeing you.


5 comments so far

Brin - 2007-09-07 17:49:32 -
You ended up on last night's game highlights on ESPN, too!


Dave - 2007-09-07 18:40:52 -
Look Ma - I'm famous!


Smed - 2007-09-07 21:03:39 -
Those of us who follow the Prince of Peace are more outraged by our so-called brethren who forment an attitude of hatred and intolerance towards ANYONE who is different based on what they believe, or who they love. Plus, I could point to those wonderful, fabulous Christian Identity folks and the laugh-a-minute Fred Phelps to show that we shouldn't throw ANY stones at the Muslims. All of the ones that I have met are peaceful, kind, AND more morally upright than most of the so-called Christians.


artgnome - 2007-09-08 08:03:05 -
Controlling religious legalists remind me of the Borg - you WILL be assimilated.


Bob - 2007-09-09 14:54:30 -
You'd have to look at the census for exact figures, but we've certainly had Muslims in our population for many years without issue. I think, on the other hand, certain elements (read: militant/fundamentalist Islam) has learned how to stage-manage confrontations and play games to influence public opinion ... not unlike some of the 'peace rallies' that are whipped up.


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