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2007-09-26 - 10:46 a.m.

Well, the Angels lost their last two games to the Texas Rangers. Even though they have clinched their division, their final record is important because it determines who they play and who has home field advantage.

There's a game on here at 11:05am my time. I should be able to watch the whole thing before going to work. Woo hoo!


The UN wants to tax the world...or at least, the part underwater:

An international treaty under consideration by the Senate would seriously undermine the economic clout the U.S. currently wields at the United Nations.

Approval of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), a 25-year-old international treaty regulating use of the world�s oceans, is steaming ahead in the Senate, where committee hearings have been scheduled to begin on Sept. 27.

Among other provisions, UNCLOS would levy a tax on members� undersea operations, requiring nations to pay up to 7 percent of their sea-mining revenues.

There are some 400 million barrels of oil and large untapped reserves of natural gas and crystallized methane in underwater areas claimed by the U.S., and the taxes levied by the U.N.�s International Seabed Authority (ISA) would soar into the billions of dollars, according to Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.

There's more in the article, but that's the basics.

I suppose we could look at it this way: yes, there's all that oil and crystallized methane and natural gas. But to get to it, we'd need to do off-shore drilling.

Get my drift?


A Swedish artist has made a sculpture of Jesus Christ as a dog.

Gee, I wonder how many death threats he'll get from angry Christians.


The city of San Francisco has denied permission for the Marines to film a commercial on California Street, citing traffic concerns.

Which is odd, considering that anti-war protests have been permitted, blocking traffic for hours.


Baseball time.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Brin - 2007-09-26 13:55:27 -
Something must be in the water here or something. Our board of supervisors actually considered legislation that would have forbidden the Blue Angels from flying in the skies over our fair city during Fleet Week. I don't understand it, myself.


Bob - 2007-09-27 12:59:11 - http:.//
Actually, it was a single supervisor, Chris Daly, who sought the ban. The steering committee voted 2-1 against him - twice - and then Daly insisted the entire board vote on it, and he lost a third time.


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