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What's New, Pussycat?

2007-12-05 - 1:37 p.m.

Brin sent me a link last night. I got up very early, made some phone calls, took a drive, and now I have fantastic news.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...presenting...


Oh wait...she's hiding under the bed...

...okay, she's not coming out right now. I'll take pictures when she feels like socializing.

She's a Siamese mix, a little more than two years old. She's very friendly and affectionate - at the shelter, she jumped into my lap and rubbed up against my face. But right now, she's in a new environment and a little bit nervous. I understand that - my beloved Midnite would hide under things for a couple days whenever we moved somewhere new. She'll come out when she's ready.

And the name comes from the comic strip 9 Chickweed Lane (linkage at left) - there's a Siamese named Solange who "brings Feline entropy to pre-existing human disarray".

If you've seen my room, there's enough disarray there to keep her busy for awhile.


The Heartland Institute has a list of eight reasons why AGW is a scam. The founder of the Weather Channel calls it a scam (but what does he know, right?).



Onward to the day...with a new companion.

Be seeing you.


3 comments so far

artgnome - 2007-12-05 17:16:58 -
YAY! you gots a new kitty! do she like cheezburgerz?


Smed - 2007-12-05 17:27:58 -
Of course, he only ran TWC for ONE year, and he's a meterologist, not a climatologist. He was a big ol' dopey weatherman on TV. Would you trust Willard Scott with your climatology?


Brin - 2007-12-05 22:33:57 -
I can't imagine anything more idiotic than trusting Al Gore over Willard Scott. Res Ipsa Loquitur.


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