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Back In The Saddle Again

2007-12-26 - 10:04 a.m.

Welcome back. I hope you're all safely back where you should be.

As usual, I wound up behind schedule in my trip to see the relatives. I left a full half-hour after the time I had planned to go - and I had volunteered to swing by work and take care of a time-sensitive issue (we were closed for the day). It was no big deal for me - I was going past anyway, and it saved my boss a trip there and back (not to mention getting me brownie points). Besides, I knew it would only take me about ten minutes overall - and it did.

So I left work around 11 for a 1pm party-start time. The freeways are usually jam-packed, as I'm sure most of you all know. I figured I'd get there shortly after 1pm. I was wrong. The (traffic) Force was with me, and I arrived at 12:30. I was the first one there - not even my usually-early mother was there yet. So I visited with my aunt and uncle for a bit.

At 1pm everyone started rolling in, and the party started. Food and family...oh, and the gifts. But the gifts were the icing on the cake. It was the visiting that made it all worth it.

Everyone left around 5, and I mean EVERYONE - the Dark Side of the (traffic) Force decided to fill the freeways and make my drive home long and protracted.

But I made it home alive, and I crashed with The Monkees on DVD, Solange, and a plate of Christmas cookies.


This morning, I got to have more fun - I had ordered a kitteh item on December 4 and it hadn't arrived yet. I called the company and they provided me a tracking number and told me the package had arrived at my PO box on December 18th.

I then called the post office. The nice lady checked the tracking number, and then went to check the package. When she returned, she was a bit perturbed. It seems that the package was on the bottom shelf of where they store such packages, and it was flat against the back shelf - so "since nobody bothered to bend over and look" (her words, I swear), nobody knew to drop a note in my PO box saying that the package was there. So she placed a note herself, and now I have an errand to run.

I like this PO. Their service has been really great. Now, if I could just get them to give me free postage...


So now things are back to semi-normal here at Chez Too Old. I have work tonight, and the cat will get her tuna.


Be seeing you.


5 comments so far

abby - 2007-12-26 19:02:26 -
Hey, Dave. I'm an avid Brin reader and now have added you into my daily read mix! I'm hoping that you can help me with something that's seriously been tormenting me for years...I can remember, as a little girl, watching a TV kid's show that starred - I swear to God - a talking shrunken head of an Indian chief. No kidding and I'm pretty sure even my numerous LSD trips couldn't have come up something that weird! I was born in 1975 and this might have been shown on TV/very early basic cable in either Portland, Maine, or Cincinnati, Ohio, from 1975-1982? I know you know your old school TV shows - does this ring any bells? Or am I totally crazy? THANKS!!! Abby


Acorn - 2007-12-26 22:00:28 -
Merry Christmas!!


Dave - 2007-12-27 04:03:33 -
Abby: could it be...this?


Abby - 2007-12-27 08:56:24 -
YES!!! Chico the Rainmaker! Oh my god, it wasn't me taking too many substances. Wow! I found the Wikipedia entry and went over to YouTube and saw the opening credits to the show. Dave, you are a star, I greatly appreciate it.


Bob - 2007-12-27 14:06:43 -
The big kitteh present here at the Ministry (other than the obligatory nip toys) is something called an 'eraser mouse' - a small mouse made mostly of old chalkboard eraser material. Got 'em at the pet store (Pet Food Express).


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