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2008-04-23 - 12:51 a.m.

ANOTHER morning shift on a Wednesday. This time I am going to post before I go to work.

So there.


Hillary won the Pennsylvania primary yesterday. The best headline comes from Fark:

Hillary sees her shadow in Pennsylvania. We can expect six more weeks of tired, pathetic campaigning.

Can't beat that.


So...according to this article, 15% of those who were surveyed "said they have supported a cause because of what they heard an actor, singer or other celebrity say or do".

I guess having money and fame makes you an expert on everything, right?


Speaking of celebrities...

Last week on Mark Evanier's blog, he posted a PSA video from the 60's warning against fradulent quack "cures" for arthritis.

And which famous people did they get for this PSA? Would you believe...the Three Stooges?

No, I'm not kidding.


It's been a little more than four months since Solange has come into my existence, and I think I've made something of a breakthrough observation about her, and cats in general.

When you look at a cat and say "meow" and the cat meows back, the cat is NOT talking to you - she's correcting either your pronunciation or your accent.


Okay, I need to sleep. I have an early morning tomorrow.

Be seeing you.


3 comments so far

Brin - 2008-04-23 03:54:43 -
Dave, Solange is nothing short of amazing. I've been there and seen her wake up and trot over to the door you use when you come home, anywhere from one to five minutes before you get there. It wouldn't surprise me at all to know she's correcting your kitteh grammar.


Bob - 2008-04-23 11:36:50 -
Meow is one of those languages like Cantonese - depending on the tone and inflection, it can mean different things. Cats are clearly more adept at parsing English than humans are at parsing Meow.


Wyndspirit - 2008-04-23 22:01:31 -
My kitten trills. I think it's a more sophisticated language than "meow" that I can't begin to imitate, or even approximate.


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