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Stealin' Time

2008-05-19 - 12:50 p.m.

This weekend, Anaheim turned up to BAKE. Temperatures topped 100 on Saturday, and stayed in the upper 90s yesterday. As I write this on Monday afternoon, it's 86 - and the Weather Channel Desktop Thingie says it's going to drop another 10-15 degrees in the next forty-eight hours.

Solange and I stayed hydrated - although she got to sleep through the heat of the day while I worked. Must be nice.


In other Chez Too Old news, roommate Jim is moving out. There's a bit of a story, but I'm not at liberty to discuss it here. Suffice to say I'm searching for another roomie.

It worked out pretty well this time. Hopefully my karma will hold.


Oh, goodie - the United Nations is going to investigate "racism" charges in this year's election! And they'll be talking to Sharpton and Jackson!

All those who think that they will NOT determine that there is "racism", raise your hands. Right...thought so.

All those who believe that the UN has no fucking business being involved in this?


According to this article, a great deal of the identity theft problem is due to illegal immigrants, who use the stolen documentation to gain employment. A set of falsified documents can cost a mere $160. That's for the purchaser, of course. The cost for the person whose identity got stolen is much much higher.


A Little Leaguer in Freetown, Mass. was benched for two games because his mom didn't work the concession stand. It's in the registration form - since it's almost all volunteers, the parents have to work the ball fields at least one day.

Otherwise, there would be no stand. So many people would opt out because they were "too busy". They let the parents know in advance, and it's part of the deal you make when you sign your child up.

The mom says it's not fair to punish her child for her mistake. But if it's in the league rules that she and (I presume) her son agreed to follow - along with everyone else - then she has no gripe.

But I bet her son does.


From Hud's blog comes a series of restroom signs from around the world.

Note the one with the Barbie and Ken dolls.


Okay, time to move into the day.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

artgnome - 2008-05-19 16:58:20 -
those who believe that the UN has no fucking business being involved in this? oh yeah, one hand up here for that! Man, we had low 50's and cold and cloudy and windy today. brr.


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