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Long, Long, Long

2008-07-11 - 1:06 p.m.

So my day started with a new TV series. USA Network was running a marathon of an original series called Burn Notice. It's about an American spy who gets "burned" - marked as unreliable or dangerous. He gets dropped into Miami with instructions to stay there. His assets have been frozen, all his ID has been nullified...and that's just the beginning.

I LIKE this show. It has elements of MacGyver and Pretender. And it's got Bruce Campbell and Sharon Gless. And this actress was a guest star in one of the episodes.

Fun stuff. Not sure if I'd get the DVD set. Since I don't have a DVR, I may never see it again.


Then I went to work on the garage. Here's the pile of dirt and debris:

Now you all see why I wanted to wait until after Brin had left.


After that, I grabbed some dinner and watched the Angels game. It was one of the LONGEST games I've watched: it ran for almost 4 1/2 hours and eleven innings. The Angels managed to blow a 10-4 lead but hung on to win 11-10.

Then I headed back into the living room, where I found out that Solange had done something she hadn't done in the seven months she's been here. She had gotten into something she shouldn't have - probably her flea medicine - and had spewed a nice big pile onto the carpet. I guess I didn't get the flea juice up high enough onto her neck, and she had licked it off.

While the active ingredient can cause seizures and other nasty things, Solange has been just fine since - she was pretty active during the rest of the evening and is as normal as ever this morning.

Next time, higher up on the neck. Live and learn.


Speaking of nauseating things...

Congratulations to all those who voted Nancy Pelosi into office as House Speaker - she has announced that the call for drilling in protected areas "is a hoax" from Republicans, and that it's "a decoy to punt your attention away from the fact that their policies have produced $4-a-gallon gasoline".

Yes, there are some areas that have been opened to exploration for oil. Yes, the oil companies have yet to pull any oil out of them. However, they've found no oil there to extract. Also, if there is oil there, the depths involved and other logistical problems make extraction far too expensive or flat-out impossible with the current technology (remember when oil shale was deemed "too expensive", back when oil was $20/barrel?). The thing is that there are other areas where oil can be extracted much more easily and much more economically...and those are the areas where the Democrats are blocking drilling.

Are you sure it's Republican policies?


Of course, it's not all the government's fault. An environmental group is suing to prevent expansion and modernization of a refinery in Indiana.

The group claims that the air permits that have been issued "simply do not protect the public" and that they had to go to court due to "failure of Indiana and BP to take the public interest and the law seriously". BP replies that its permit application meets or exceeds state and federal pollution regulations, and will in fact lower air emissions while producing more estimated 1.7 million gallons a day.

Thanks to "environmental" concerns, no new refineries have been built in something like THIRTY years. If BP has in fact jumped through all their hoops, let them build. It would be like replacing the engine in an old car with a newer, cleaner-burning one - less pollution, more power.


I'm gonna grab some lunch, and then the gig tonight.

Have a good weekend.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin - 2008-07-11 20:15:57 -
I am very glad the kitteh is ok!


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