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Please Sing A Song For Us

2008-10-16 - 2:06 p.m.

It's been a pretty bad time in Show Biz. Some famous-then-but-obscure-now folks have passed, like Jack Narz (who hosted a game show that turned out to be rigged) and Edie Adams (who was in It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, amongst other things).

We also lost Neal Hefti, who wrote a ton of music but will probably go down in history as the man who wrote the theme for the Adam West Batman.

But the biggest shock - to me, anyway - came last night.

Everybody and their little brother knows the song "Baker Street". It was recorded in 1979 but still gets heavy airplay today. The sax solo is iconic.

It was recorded in 1979 by a fellow named Gerry Rafferty. He'd had a bit of a career with a group called Stealer's Wheel. They had a huge hit in the early 70's with "Stuck In The Middle With You" (if you've seen Reservoir Dogs, you know the song). Rafferty had a good solo career with songs like "Right Down The Line", "Home And Dry", "Get It Right Next Time", and many others.

A few months ago, Rafferty checked into a hospital due to liver problems. On August 1, he disappeared, leaving his possessions behind.

He hasn't been seen since. Vanished. Poof. Gone.

I'm really hopeful he didn't crawl off and die somewhere. He was one of the people whose music I've enjoyed for many years. I still queue up City to City regularly.

Today's title is a Rafferty song, and my call to him wherever he may be. Come home, Gerry. We miss you.


It looks like Barack Obama has finally explained his tax plan. Here's what he said to a man who wants to start a small business (the video is over here).

"Spreading the wealth around". Because, gosh...the man who has money didn't go out and earn it.


Okay, I have errands to run and things to do.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2008-10-16 21:11:40 -
So awful about the losses and bizarre about Gerry!


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