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Out Of The Loop

2008-11-27 - 10:44 a.m.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers (anyone outside the US reading my drivel? Drop me a note!).

Came home last night to find that my cable and my internet connection were both off. Since I go through Time-Warner, both are provided by the same company.

Now, I KNOW I'd paid that bill. So that wasn't the problem. I called the 800 number and found that it wasn't just me - it was all of Anaheim and "most of the Inland Empire". So I had some dinner and watched a couple episodes of Buffy. Time-Warner didn't have things fixed by the time I went to bed.

I was awakened by a call from my boss, just making sure that everything for work today was taken care of (which of course it was). Everything was still down. I got up, got a soda...and the TV was back on but the cable was down. I called T-W again, and found that the problem had been caused by a car accident. That made sense - it had been drizzling last night, and someone must've crashed into a trunk cable somewhere.

So I tuned into Bravo to watch the end of this classic. After about ten minutes of that, the internet connection got re-instated. So I got to work on my usual internet stuff, including the post.


Now I need to get going - I have a drive to San Diego to my family get-together, and I'm sure they would appreciate it if I showered first. And I promised Solange some turkey, and I shudder to think what will happen if I break that promise.

Before I do that, though - I must sent out a loud, Micky Dolenz-style "don't DO that" to Brin for managing to clean her fingerprints - the HARD way.

Brin...don't DO that!


Okay. Don't overdo it, gang. Save room for comfort.

At least I'm feeling better than I did last year.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2008-11-27 18:50:15 -
I'm getting better by the hour; was able to shower this morning and am now down to two small band-aids and a little aloe vera gel as a topical. Still can't hold my cutlery hard enough, though! Argh! Happy Thanksgiving, Dave. And kitteh snuzzles to Solange, too!!


Mel - 2008-11-27 23:16:49 -
I'm reading from Israel. Hope you are having a happy turkey day.


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