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Dave Marron

Still The Same

2009-01-01 - 12:19 p.m.

Happy New Year, everyone.

Everyone back safe and sound? Good.


The gig went very well.

Lots of folks from Cero's were there, including one couple who drove all the way from San Diego. We set up in a large dining area. It was me and Bob, playing with Billy (keyboards) and Gary (sax/guitar). We'd never played together before, but we all knew a lot of the same music. We just had to play it in the same key...and in that regard, we pretty much succeeded. There were a couple false starts, but for the most part it was a rousing success.

When I left, it was foggy - REALLY foggy. I was more than a bit nervous driving in that with the New Year's drinkers on the road. Thankfully, I made it home without incident.

I got upstairs, wished Solange a Happy New Year and discovered - surprise, surprise - that the MTV Network channels were still being broadcast over the Time Warner network. I kept the TV on just long enough to see that everything was normal...and then I turned it off, and reveled in the quiet.

After awhile, the night caught up with me, and I crashed.


Woke up this morning to find my dad had called. I called back and we chatted for awhile. I checked the TV to see that the channels were still on - which they were.

So now I'm getting going into my day. In exchange for having yesterday off, I'm working tonight.

So, onward.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-01-01 21:32:51 -
Happy New Year, Old Buddy!


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