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Original Set-Up,
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Brin-Marie McLaughlin

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Dave Marron

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

2009-04-09 - 11:20 a.m.

In the Breaking Bad News Dept.:

Rookie pitcher Nick Adenhart was killed in a hit-and-run car accident just after pitching his first game of the season last night. He died this morning.

Some asshole ran a red light and broadsided the van that Adenhart was riding in. Two other folks who were riding with Adenhart were also killed. Said asshole was subsequently apprehended.

Love and condolences to Adenhart's family, all the Angels players, and all the fans.


So last night we brought in another employee...and wound up sending him home because it wasn't as busy as it was yesterday.

But I spoke with the GM, and he agreed that it was a good idea.


Walter is going to be gone for a week. While he's gone, he wants me to put a plan together to modify something in the lasertag arena...something the the GM and I don't think is a good idea.

Nonetheless, I formulated the plan. Now we wait a week before we explain to Walter - again - why it's a bad idea.


The Octomom has signed to do a dating reality show, where "the cameras will be following Nadya as she attempts to find a person to have a relationship with". It's described as "a cross between John & Kate Plus 8 and The Bachelor".

Oh goodie. We'll have film taken of how she interacts with her brood - all fourteen of them - that could be used by Child Protective Services.


I had heard this story before, and evidently it really happened. And there's your title link.

Hey, lighten up, guy!


Okay. It's my day off, and Brin and I have made plans for the Park.

It may rain. We don't know. But we're still planning on coming home in time for Hell's Kitchen.

Be seeing you.


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