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Healing Hands

2009-04-16 - 10:48 a.m.

Today is Brin's last day here in Anaheim...and she hasn't started packing yet.

Ohhhh, boy.

I think I may be taking a drive later and staying out of her way. Or stay at the computer and deal with something not as DOOM 3.


A large thank-you to all of you who donated to the Laila Repair fund.

About 25% of the money has been raised in less than 36 hours. In today's economy - and on Tax Day, fer crying out loud - that just blows me away.

And I want to reiterate - ALL monies raised go to the repair bill. We are not the government - this money will actually go where it's intended. And, also unlike the government, once this bill is paid the link will come down.

Brin will continue to administer the repair fund when she's back in San Francisco. She's also sending out thank you e-mails to everyone who contributes.

We'll post more pictures as they become available.

Thank you to all who donated. I can't say that enough.

Thank you all.


Today is Laila's surgery.

I'm worried, but I'm not - because I've been told this is easy surgery. A "piece of cake".

But it's still surgery.

In the meantime, Brin has some more pictures of Laila in her entry for today.

This is who you're helping. Again, thank you - from all of us.


Uh oh...the packing is starting.

Gotta go...somewhere.

Be seeing you.


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