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Murder By Numbers

2009-06-23 - 11:58 a.m.

Ed McMahon has passed. Maybe Johnny needed his old buddy.

As usual, Mark Evanier has a story.


We had some excitement last night.

Amidst the chaos of a large group coming in, a fire broke out in a nearby building. We didn't have to evacuate, but they closed off the access road for several hours...which meant our customers couldn't leave.

The police wound up cutting the chains to the gates at the Social Services parking lot so the folks could get to the main street. The cop I spoke with said he'd file a report explaining what had happened. That way, if Social Services filed a vandalism report it would be explained who had cut the chains and why.

According to this news report, a body was found in a burned car inside the building. Investigations continue.


My cell phone battery is losing its charge again.

The battery charge lasts about eight hours...less if I use it.

I'm going to try to get to the Verizon store and get a new phone. I'm overdue for an upgrade anyway.

Then lunch at the Chinese buffet.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

artgnome - 2009-06-23 19:53:25 -
I have a friend with verizon and she is going through the same exact issues right now with it. I hope you both get your phones resolved.


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