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Food For Your Soul

2009-07-15 - 11:58 a.m.

Kitteh news.

Laila has gained about three pounds in the few months she's been here. I have one of those perpetual feeders, and Solange doesn't overindulge. But Laila, being a feral who had to scrounge for food when she was outside, eats as much as she wants - too much, as it turns out.

So last night, I put the feeder in a cabinet.

This morning, both cats were climbing all over the furniture in my room...knocking over things but being far more active at night than usual.

So I put the feeder back out. Maybe if I restrict the dry food at night, that will help Laila some. If I need to, I'll increase the amount of time without the feeder - it's been suggested that I maybe put out a small amount of dry food while I'm home, and leave the feeder out when I'm at work.

If it helps bring her weight down and her activity up, it can't be all bad.


The vet bill has had a huge chunk taken out, [PBS voice] thanks to all the donations from viewers like you [/PBS voice]. But we still have a ways to go.

Remember, ALL donated money goes straight to the vet bill. No administrative stuff, no appropriations for other things, no earmarks...none of that bullshit that you would usually expect to see from Congress.

If you can donate, please click the button just to the left. Just over there.

Any amount will do. What we have gotten is the result of little bits that have added up to large bits. So anything would be nice.

And when it's paid off, the button comes down. You have my word on that.

We all say thankya.


Still haven't finished Doom 3. Gotten about halfway through. Still a lot of game left.

But damn, it's pretty.

Yes, it's blood and gore and monsters and mayhem.

But the graphics are really well done. The level of detail is amazing.


Speaking of food, I better go eat. Must get in to work early today.

Be seeing you.


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