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2009-09-04 - 1:03 p.m.

Despite the weather people saying that this high pressure front was going to be breaking up, the heat continues.

It's 90 degrees right now as I type this. It's been an amazingly mild summer, so the heat is even more of a smack in the face.

It's supposed to start dropping about a degree a day for the next week. We'll see what we'll see.


Last night I did go in to work for a bit and got some things fixed.

I also stopped in at Fry's and found a 2GB HP thumb drive for $9 plus tax. I grabbed.

Then, I wanted to go to HomeTown for dinner. Unfortunately, they would have closed about ten minutes after I got there. So I drove down by the Park to Red Robin.

As I was leaving, I realized that I was going past a Bubba Gump's. I've never been there, but I've heard many good things about it. I tried to check the menu online but there are no prices there.

So I swung through and picked up a menu that had the prices.

Let's put it this way - it will be sometime next year before I eat there.


Also last night, I heard some movement in the kitchen. I went in there, chased Solange off the kitchen counter, and found that she and Laila were chasing a moth that had gotten in.

I was able to catch it and set it free outside. Solange seemed disappointed.


We here at Chez Too Old send our condolences to Bob Lai over at the Ministry Of Shadows on the passing of his mother-in-law.


Speaking of passings...

Finally - FINALLY - Michael Jackson has been laid to rest.

It's been seventy days - more than two months.


Okay, I have work tonight.

Be seeing you.


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