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She's Gone

2009-09-25 - 12:54 p.m.

So yesterday I drove down to Escondido to visit my parents.

They kept telling me, "Come down and see us some Thursday -we'd love to see you!"

Well, since all I had to do yesterday was laundry and the heat was going to be murder...yesterday became "some Thursday".

Traffic was not a problem this time - driving on a non-holiday while school is in session will do that. Mom and I conversed for a while, partially about my "financial plans"...which Mom called good.

And let's face it - when your parents tell you that your financial plans are good, that gives you a bit more confidence in those plans.

We then went to visit my grandmother. Her mind is still pretty sharp at 91. I hope I got those genes.

We then went back to the house. My stepdad was home by then, so we played some Hearts before dinner. I had a better accounting of myself in this game - I didn't win, but I held up pretty well. We played a little bit more after dinner, but Mom's eyes got tired so we called it an early night.

So I went home and fed the kittehs...and I never got around to doing the laundry.


Speaking of the heat, a large marine layer is supposed to be moving in over the next few days. The temperatures are supposed to drop about twenty degrees.

Cool. Well, cooler.


The first of the Manson followers has died. Susan Atkins was sixty-one and had brain cancer.

If not for her, Sharon Tate's unborn son would be forty.


Okay. Lunch and then work.

Be seeing you.


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