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Monkey Magic

2009-10-12 - 12:44 p.m.

First off, happy anniversary to Brin and John.

Married eighteen years. In CALIFORNIA.

Kinda goes against natural law, don't it?


I did get some Park time in on Saturday. I took my iPod and listened to music as I walked. I also listened to music as I stood in line for the "Ghostly Galaxy" update for Space Mountain.

What they did was darken it some more and put videos of a scary ghostly THING up on the walls, timed to make it look like it was following you as you rode. Sometimes it would try to reach out for you.

Very cool and creepy - much better than Rockin' Space Mountain crap.


Speaking of creepy...

Roman Polanski is "depressed", "dejected", and in "an unsettled state of mind" while sitting in a Swiss jail.

Excuse me while I feel sorry for...okay, I'm done.


The Angels rallied back from a 5-2 deficit to beat the Red Sox 7-6.

The Angels swept the series, beating the team that wiped them out in post-season play the last two years.

Next up: the Yankees. And who is the only team in baseball with a winning record against the Evil Empire? Three guesses - and the first two don't count.

And in honor of the Angels "mascot" - and beating the dreaded Red Sox - today's title.

Go Angels!


A guy on Maury just said it's "medically impossible" for him to have thirty kids.

Biology is obviously not his strong suit.


Good news - the Aussie paid up.

But since today is Columbus Day, the PO is closed. So, tomorrow the item he bought will get shipped.


And even though it's Columbus Day, I still have to work.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Monkey Magic - 2009-10-13 02:03:33 -
Born from an egg on a mountain top, The punkiest monkey that ever popped, He knew every magic trick under the sun To tease the Gods and everyone and have some fun .... Monkey Magic!


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