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Dave Marron

Spit And Polish

2009-12-18 - 1:14 p.m.

Okay. It LOOKS like the gig is on. We're going to have to jump through a BUNCH of hoops, but - let's face it - we need the money.


So yesterday things got done.

I went to the cable store and picked up my "free" cable box (free for a year). I got one tier of digital programming and, because I now qualified for a "bundle", they adjusted my bill downward. I came home, installed it...and had to call the cable company to send a signal to the box when it wouldn't work. It does now, though. I'll explore all the channels when I have time.

In addition to that, I cleaned out the car - including the trunk.

I also decided to polish the drums. Unfortunately, I discovered I didn't have any furniture polish. So I headed out to the store.

I got there just in time - it turns out they had changed their hours and were now closing an hour earlier. I got the Swiffer citrus polish...I prefer the scent of oranges to the scent of lemons, and everything else was lemon-scented.

Came home and polished everything except the bass. My back was starting to ache from all the bending. So today I'll get the bass done.

Then I'll go in to work.


The report is that President Obama will be appearing in Copenhagen to pledge $100 billion to help poorer nations fight global warming.

And the Senate is supposed to vote on the health care bill - and THAT huge price tag - Christmas Eve.

Where is all that money going to come from? The taxpayers, of course.

We can't afford this. ANY of it.


The Russian government has discovered that the "Climategate" folks took Russian satellite data and altered it to fit the theory of global warming. The Russians are, naturally, angry.

All those who are surprised at any of this (the altering of the data or the Russian reaction), raise your hands.

Yeah, thought so.


This is the last weekend for Christmas shopping. Mine is done - and has been for about four weeks.

You can hate me. It's okay.


Okay. I need to get going.

Be seeing you.


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