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Long Distance Runaround
Absolutely Right
Kiss And Say Goodbye
The Tube
Never Surrender

Things & Stuff


Daily Reads

Neal Boortz - Neal's Nuze
Mark Evanier
James Hudnall
Anonymous Speaks

Repaired Cat
says thank you.

Original Set-Up,
Maintenance, and
HTML Goddess:
Brin-Marie McLaughlin

Subsequent Tweaks:
Dave Marron

Break Out

2009-12-25 - 1:26 a.m.

Well, that was probably one of the longest unplanned breaks I've done with this blog. Between Wednesday's lack of inspiration and Thursday's need to be at work and my exhaustion once I got home...well, it just didn't add up to any kind of post.

I do tweet though. And sometimes I even tweet from work. If you don't see a post, I usually mention it on my Twitter feed.


Well, anyway.

Work was pretty quiet yesterday; we did have someone call in sick, so we didn't have too much standing-around going on. I went to Fry's during my lunch break with the intent to get the animated Grinch on DVD. They had the Blu-Ray in stock, but not the standard.

I wound up getting the Muppet "Letters To Santa" and the Doctor Who episode Four To Doomsday. I was planning to try Wal-Mart, but between my lateness of leaving work and the freeway traffic I chose not to. I instead swung through the store and picked up some dinner preps.

I spent the rest of Christmas Eve doing laundry and watching classic Christmas animations.


Here we are - Christmas Day 2009. Where does the time go?

I'm posting this early because I'm taking the train tomorrow morning and have to be awake early.

So here's my traditionals. First, Solange The Original:

Now, I refer you to my first Christmas entry. It still holds true today.

Then, of course, there's my favorite Mark Evanier Christmas story. You never know just who you may meet, do ya?

Also from Mark's blog comes this musical interlude. Heh.


Merry Christmas to all my readers. Thanks for coming back and hanging around once you saw what this was all about.

I know, I know...I shouldn't do self-deprecating humor...I'm no good at it.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-12-25 19:01:08 -
Merry Christmas, Old Buddy! Thanks for being my best friend. I love you!


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