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Original Set-Up,
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Brin-Marie McLaughlin

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Dave Marron

Project X

2010-01-12 - 1:17 p.m.

So I get to work yesterday, and the GM is waiting for me. After the usual greetings, he wants to meet with me in his office. And when we get there, he says he has a project for me.

On one hand, I'm a little apprehensive. On the other hand, I'm pleased because it reaffirms my feeling that I'm still the go-to guy.

He tells me that there's something that will be happening at our work on February 4, and he needs me to work it - if I can. See, February 4 is a Thursday - which is usually my day off. So I'd need to swap a day.

I tell him I'll be happy to do it...if I can get Wednesday (February 3) off instead. He says that's fine. I then made some phone calls and swapped with the supervisor that usually works on Thursday nights.

Why is this such a big deal? February 3 is my birthday. I'm going to Disneyland.


And the icing on the birthday week cake? There's a game group meeting on SATURDAY...which is my OTHER day off. So I get to attend all day long.

Hotcha. This will be one of the best birthday weeks ever.


On December 26, a 69-year-old greeter in a Florida Wal-Mart was attacked by a customer.

The greeter defended himself. Wal-Mart fired him for "fighting with a customer".

WTF was he supposed to do - let the customer beat him up??


Why isn't debate about the health care bill being shown on CNN, as President Obama promised during his campaign? The NY Post talks about it here.

But hey, it's other people's money, right? Until taxes go up. Then YOU become the "other people".


Okay, off to work.

Be seeing you.


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