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Shredding The Document

2010-03-29 - 9:51 p.m.

Okay. It's been a weekend, and it ended with one of the dumbest things I've ever done.


Saturday. Work. Lots of parties.

Saturday night was a brief game night. On the way home I heard about the passing of former DC Comics honcho Dick Giordano. When I saw him at the few San Diego Comic Cons I attended back in the 80s, Dick was always kind and polite - even to the point of apologizing for Frank Miller being rather rude to me while Dick was standing in front of us.

Sunday also had many parties. There was one group that was supposed to bring eighty but instead wound up with thirty. I had to make several diplomacy dice rolls when dealing with the various groups. Fortunately I have many levels in that skill, just from working there for eighteen years.


Monday morning. At work early for the token collection. We started a new promotion for this week, since it's Spring Break for some of the school districts.

Came home and ate, and started working on the laundry. And that's where I screwed up.

I loaded up the laundry basket with all the assorted things I need to wash the clothes. I poured the soap into the washer, started the water and dumped the clothes in.

I went downstairs to move the clothes to the dryer. I opened up the washer...and found a mess.

I had forgotten to take the box of dryer sheets out of the basket before dumping the clothes into the washer. Wet dryer sheets and bits of the cardboard box were all over everything.

After I giggled at myself for my foolishness, I put everything into the dryer. For the next fifteen minutes, I ran the dryer for a moment and then cleaned cardboard out of the lint trap. I also rescued a lot of the dryer sheets, although I'll likely get myself a new box.

Once I had gotten most of the bits, I left the dryer alone. I figured it would get most of the cardboard, and I was right.

But boy, this load will be SOFT.


Well, I still have lots of laundry to do.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

missy - 2010-03-30 05:02:01 -
Wow, I have done that tons of times :( Eppppp... Expecially when I am rushed. Once I accidently put one of those pillows in there with the little balls in them, oh wow it was everywhere... took me forever to clean it out... I had little balls in my clothes for a week :( Well, have a good night :D


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