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It's All About The Benjamins

2006-06-18 - 9:20 a.m.

I skipped another day yesterday. Between my jobs I just haven't had time or energy. So occasional days off will be taken on weekends.

But thanks for your concern.


There's an item at about the discontinuing of season releases of some shows.

It's all economics, of course. There's a lot of money wrapped up in prepping a show for DVD release, and if it's not going to sell...or if previous seasons didn't sell, why bother?

Well, what does bother me is the comparisons. Read the article, and you'll see what I mean. One season set sold only 1.5% of the sales of their biggest seller. Isn't that kind of an apples/oranges comparison? That's like Hyundai saying they are going to stop making cars because they sold only 1.5% of the sales of Nissan.

Sadly, one of the shows they WON'T be releasing is Boy Meets World. I enjoyed the show when it was on, and still catch re-runs on occasion. The fact that I met one of the primary actresses in the show doesn't hurt either.

It's an economic decision. I understand that.

But I don't have to LIKE it.


Sir Paul McCartney turned 64 today.

He is one of the few musical influences in my life that, if I ever met him, I would get on my knees and kiss his sneakers.

Onstage. In front of a live audience.

God bless, Sir Paul.


It's also Father's Day.

I need to make some phone calls. Maybe - and I say "maybe" because everyone's home situation is different - you also need to.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Bob - 2006-06-19 17:50:54 -
Oy. Apple hasn't given up the computer market, either. I suppose it depends on what it's 1.5% *of*, but still - it seems to me there's an awful lot of unmined gold in that market. Perry Mason. Batman. Hawaii Five-O.


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