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Running On Empty

2006-07-20 - 9:30 a.m.

The well is a bit dry today. You know it's bad when my lead-off item is about celebrities, and has nothing to do with politics:

There were two car accidents in the LA area yesterday. Both Haley Joel Osment and Daniel Baldwin were in car wrecks. Osment went to the hospital after losing control of his car. Baldwin was driving over 80mph on a suspended license in a 35mph zone. He hit two parked cars. One of those parked cars was a Hummer...and it got pushed about 20 feet.

There was no report if anyone else was injured. Hopefully no one was...and it seems our two stars are okay.


In the Guilty Pleasures Dept.:

I admit to being a viewer of Cartoon Network, and a fan of Xiaolin Showdown. The graphics are excellent, and it's very funny. Check it out.

And, speaking of cartoons:

In the Out On DVD Dept., volume 1 of Animaniacs has FINALLY been released.

It's about bloody time. 'Nuff said.


The Angels play this afternoon. Looks like I'll have another pizza-and-O'Doul's outing.

Don't worry. I won't drive afterward.

Be safe. Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Bob - 2006-07-20 14:38:18 -
"Wheel of Morality, turn, turn, turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn." The lesson is: get off your butts and issue the rest of the series, pronto! (I would also like Warner/Fox/ABC/whomever to stop diddling around and release the old Batman series with Adam West).


Old Dave - 2006-07-20 20:55:02 -
The problem with the Batman series is this: Fox owns the TV series, but WB owns the character (because Time/Warner owns DC). So they are arguing over who gets what part of the DVD sales. Meanwhile, the fans wait...and wait...and wait.


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