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Telephone Line

2006-12-20 - 11:21 a.m.

It occurs to me that I never finished up the Phone Saga.

Well, I got the new phone on Friday, took it to Verizon to have it activated...and it wouldn't activate. The insurance people sent me a second phone, which arrived yesterday. THAT one works. So now I need to go back to Verizon to have my phone book transferred to the new phone.

I'm also going to have a couple words with them about this company. Someone in QC dropped the ball, because I shouldn't have gotten that bad phone in the first place. But, being in Customer Service myself, I also know that there's not much that a store-level employee can do about decisions made further up the corporate ladder.

Maybe what I need to do is write to the president of Verizon. Anyone know his e-mail address? Maybe [email protected]?


Walter E. Williams, always a good read, comments here on the six imams' situation. Probably one of the sanest commentaries I've seen.

And this is one of the most ironic commentaries about the ISG.

All things to think about.


Well, within the next couple days I have stuff to mail and Verizon to deal with.

The fun continues.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Bob - 2006-12-20 17:49:59 -
The problem isn't 'should we use racial profiling or not' - the problem is developing a means of screening in an effective manner for terrorists/hijackers no matter the color of their skin or religious creed, and of securing the baggage & cargo handling routines. Instead, we're offering pay-to-pass systems for 'frequent fliers' that create an enormous vulnerability in airport security.


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