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Long Distance Runaround
Absolutely Right
Kiss And Say Goodbye
The Tube
Never Surrender

Things & Stuff


Daily Reads

Neal Boortz - Neal's Nuze
Mark Evanier
James Hudnall
Anonymous Speaks

Repaired Cat
says thank you.

Original Set-Up,
Maintenance, and
HTML Goddess:
Brin-Marie McLaughlin

Subsequent Tweaks:
Dave Marron

(Just Like) Starting Over

2007-03-21 - 2:06 p.m.

I survived my trip to City Hall.

Turns out that, due to the disconnect reported here, the power company wants a large deposit.

Oh well. I'll get it back next year.


Rained for a bit yesterday. Then it POURED during the night. Today the sun is out, but there's lots of clouds.

We need more rain.


In the Good Timing Dept.:

A couple days ago I reported on the six imams wanting to sue the passengers who reported their suspicious behavior. Well, check THIS out:

Lawyers and a Muslim group say they will defend at no cost airline passengers caught up in a lawsuit between a group of imams and U.S. Airways if the passengers are named as "John Does" and sued for reporting suspicious behavior that got the Muslim clerics booted from a November flight.

Looks like the peaceful Muslims are stepping up. Good for them.


In the Look Ma, I'm On TV Dept.:

Episode #4 is now up and running.

The opening disclaimer is important. The first 30 seconds has a NSFW moment. You've been warned.

I also came up with a couple ideas for the opening of the next show. Bob and I are polishing it for use.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.


Got time to waste? Need to exercise your brain? Go here and be prepared to not sleep for awhile.


And so to the day.

Be seeing you.


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