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Play That Fast Thing (One More Time)

2007-06-04 - 1:30 p.m.

Welcome back, Hope you had a good weekend.

It was a busy busy weekend for me. We got to play a private party on Saturday night. It was at a sports bar in Diamond Bar, about 25 miles from where we usually play. That's not a big deal, except we had to load everything up...including two heavy six-foot-tall PA speakers. And this is after the Friday night gig and me working Saturday morning.

I grabbed a quick bite as soon as I got out of work, and went back home to shower and change clothes. Roommate Jim was there, relaxing after HIS weekend. I invited him along, but he told me he had a date coming over and he was going to take advantage of the empty common area. I wished him success (he was planning to cook), and headed to the club to meet Rocky.

Rocky already had most of the gear loaded. We had taken the time-saving precaution of breaking everything down Friday night, so we just had to show up and load. I got my drums into my car, we said a quick prayer for light traffic, and hit the road.

We reached Oak Tree Lanes about 20 minutes later. Yes, it's a bowling alley, but we weren't playing THERE. There's an attached sports bar right next to it; that was our target.

Bob and Dave Kern showed up just after we did. We hauled everything upstairs (no elevator) and set up. Everything went well for that portion of it. We had everything set up and sound-checked by 7:30 for an 8pm start time.

At 8, we started. The birthday girl mounted the stairs and just about damn near fainted when she saw us. We played for about an hour, then broke so they could cut the cake.

Bob noticed that the slow songs weren't getting the dancers, so we switched to mostly fast songs. A couple audience members got up and sang with us. A few folks from our regular gig braved the drive to join the fun. Charlie and Ai-Vy even arrived (Charlie said they got out of the car, got within 200 feet of the door, and said, "It sure sounds like them").

But we rocked the house.

Then we got to pack everything back up. Our regular place would be closed by the time we got there, so I brought the drums home and Rocky stored everything else in his garage.

Then, blessed sleep...


...until the alarm went off Sunday morning, telling me I had to be at work. Did that, then grabbed some Chinese food and went home.

Sunday afternoon became my relaxing time. My legs were sore from carrying stuff up and down stairs, and my back was a bit achy. So I took some Advil and flopped in the chair. Watched A Bug's Life and Cars. Then I went to bed and slept...


...until I woke up at about noon.

Now, I have a few things to take care of before work.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin - 2007-06-05 01:37:11 -
Gawd, Dave, even with the CPAP giving you thorough sleep, I know you're still doing without. Hang in there. Sleep when you can!


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