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Where's The Water

2007-09-01 - 1:17 p.m.

Egad - a Saturday post? Yes - I took the day off because we actually have a Saturday night gig.

Went to Denny's with Charlie and Ai Vy. The food was fine, but the service was miserable. Charlie and Ai Vy love french fries, but the waiter brought a barely-full ketchup bottle and had to be reminded to bring another...which was ALSO not-too-full.

Evidently, we also were only allowed to have ONE glass of our beverages - he never offered to refill them, even after scooping up the payment and depositing the change...after which I scooped up the tip. I wanted a pitcher of water, but was told that the carafes were only for juice. They also had no manager on duty and a puked-in bathroom. If they had been busy, that would've been understandable - but they weren't.

Charlie wanted to talk to a manager, and discovered that not only did they not have one on duty, they had NO BUSINESS CARDS.

So if you're in Anaheim and you have the chance to eat at the Denny's at 210 S. Euclid St., I'd advise that you pass.

Came home and crashed...and woke up at 11am to 95 degree heat. As I write this, it's now 99. Yesterday, it hit 105 at 2:30pm. The fan was just moving the hot air real relief.


Also as I write this, the Angels are playing the Rangers. Right now, the Angels have the best record in all of baseball with 80-54 (percentage of 59.7). The next highest is the Red Sox with 80-55 (59.4%). The Angels lead their division by 6 1/2 games. Looks like we may have another World Series in a month or so.

Tomorrow's game got moved to the evening, so I figure I'll grab some Chinese food and watch the game.

With about a gallon of Aquafina next to me.


Dug out my CD-ROM of X-COM and discovered that the DirectX commands have screwed up the graphics. I did however find a fix that allowed me to run it.

There's no school like old school.


Well, baseball is on.

Be seeing you.


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