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Soldier Boy

2007-11-12 - 12:07 p.m.

Monday, Veteran's Day 2007. Kids have the day off from school, and lots of folks have the day off from work.

I'm not one of them, though. Ah well, that's how it goes.


This article in the Los Angeles Times talks about the Presidential records from the Clinton administration - the ones about Hillary's role in the 1993 heath-care overhaul plan. The Clintons are saying that the federal archivists are the ones taking their time.'s the government's fault that the job isn't being done. Uh huh.

But this item from page 2 is telling:

In a letter sent in 2002, [Bill] Clinton said that archivists should feel free to open up material that could legally be concealed on the grounds that it involved federal appointments or communication between advisors.

But he then listed some exceptions, which carry the potential to conceal many documents that could open a window into Hillary Clinton's role in the healthcare battle. He said he did not want material released if it contained "negative" or "derogatory" information; if it centered on a "sensitive policy, personal or political matter"; or if it involved "communications directly between the president and the first lady."

In other words, anything that makes her look bad. Can't have that, you know.

Oh, and if she were a Republican candidate, she would have been crucified by now.


The King of Spain talks back to Hugo Chavez.

"In Russia, we had freedom of speech. In America, you have freedom after you speak, which is a nice feature." - Yakov Smirnoff


Well now...if this blog post (and the article it links to) is correct, quite a few Islamic countries are surfing the internet for...well, go look.

I know, I know...quite a few people in the US do the same thing - and we're the immoral ones.


Happy Veteran's Day, everyone. Go thank a soldier, past or present.

Off to work.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Requiel - 2007-11-12 19:33:51 -
THAT is vewwwwwyyyyy interesting. Especially since there are no gay muslims. pfffft.


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