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(You're) Having My Baby

2007-12-19 - 11:20 a.m.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday (although Brin did) is that Solange's "secret woid" has been discovered.

It is "tuna"...and it is good.

One of the things I picked up at the store were the tiny snack-size cans of tuna (in water, of course). Well, when I finally made it home, I scooped out about a quarter of it and served it up. Solange promptly inhaled it and asked for more. I gave her another quarter-can, which also promptly disappeared.

I will most likely buy the bigger cans and use those pet-food-can lids. And if she likes the store brand, I think I can keep her in tuna for a long time.

Otherwise, she's going to shred my pant-legs.


Well, unless you've been living under a rock and getting your internet feed through sand that hasn't been made into fiberglass cable yet, you've heard the shocking (shocking!) news that Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney's younger sister, is pregnant at sixteen.

Two comments from me: first, you'd think that with such a fine example as her sister (of what NOT to do) she'd be a little bit sharper about in, "my sister had a child and had to put her career on hold, maybe we should wait". There hasn't been anything that I've seen that indicates that any form of birth control was used - only abstinence is 100% successful, and obviously that wasn't considered in this case.

And second, I think this will put mother Lynne Spears out of the running for Mother Of The Year.

Oh, speaking of Lynne - seems that her parenting book will be delayed a bit.


Somehow, this comes as no surprise.

And we're supposed to take this seriously...when they don't?


One more visit to Home Town Buffet for Brin before she preps to fly back to San Francisco.


Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

artgnome - 2007-12-19 14:34:35 -
a book on parenting? It should be on how to exploit your children for fame and profit.


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