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The Great Pretender

2008-02-25 - 12:01 p.m.

Well, I've managed to come down with something, most likely an allergy attack. My sinuses are a little clogged, my throat is sore, and my voice is raspy. My best guess is it's from working in the Closet Of Doom on Thursday. The boxes in there have been there for more than a year, so I probably stirred up the dust REAL good.

So I'm taking Sudafed and Claritin, and using Afrin as needed. I'm sure I'll be okay.


Yesterday I came home from work and popped in the DVDs of The Pretender. Now that I have a DVD player in my computer, I can watch and be online at the same time. I think I went through something like nine episodes.

The show's creators have said that they have written a final TV movie that ties up the loose ends and answers the remaining questions. They just need the financing.

I hope they can do it before the primary actors die off.


So yes, I watched The Pretender instead of the Oscars.

I'm not one for awards shows. Golden Globes, Grammys, People's Choice, Oscars...yawners. I'm just not interested in watching, not even for the clothes.

Turns out I'm not the only one - I'm seeing that this year's Oscars ratings are the worst in Oscar history.

I wonder if the writer's strike soured people on the movie business.


Okay, a little bit of political stuff.

According to Frank Rich of the NY Times and Andrew Sullivan in (not to mention Mark Steyn), Hillary has screwed up so badly it's all over but the surrender for her.

They make compelling cases. But if she can convince/con/bribe the superdelegates, she may yet get the nomination.


Okay, time to get on with it.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Smed - 2008-02-25 15:27:36 -
I doubt it. From what I have read, the superdelegates are jumping to Obama, or uncommitted at the very least. Hillary's campaign reminds me of Kerry's clusterflop mess, in that she's definitely snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Dave - 2008-02-25 15:49:11 -
I think her arrogance has been her undoing. According to the Frank Rich article, Hillary told Katie Couric, "It WILL be me". She's felt like she's entitled to this, when both her AND Obama are senators who really haven't accomplished much in their terms. Her biggest claim-to-fame was trying to push her healthcare plan through during Bill's first term, and that failed miserably.


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