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Dave Marron

Talking In My Sleep

2008-06-12 - 8:29 a.m.

I survived my day yesterday. Sorry for my anger and frustration yesterday, but I'd only had four hours of sleep and the noise was giving me a raging headache.

I got out of the apartment and got some breakfast in a nice quiet Denny's (and here's a sign for you - there were two very young children with their mother and they didn't make a sound the whole time they were there). Then I came home and slept for a couple hours until it was time to go in.

Oh, I forgot to mention this yesterday. I got a voicemail from my company's phone service last night, telling me that they replaced a vital component and we'd have to re-record all the messages: the greeting, the pricing, the directions...all of it.

Fine. But Verizon didn't see fit to tell me I even HAD a voicemail until seven hours after it was recorded. By that time I was at the Angels game and couldn't fix the system even if I wanted to.

So yesterday, after we closed, I recorded every last message our system plays for callers. So if you call, you're gonna hear my voice everywhere.

I was half-awake when I recorded them, so excuse me if I sound a little drowsy.


There's another Anonymous protest against Scientology planned for this Saturday. More info is here.

Go get 'em, Anon.


Saw an ad yesterday for Kraft Mac & Cheese crackers, with lots of animated fountains of cheese hoisting up the kids consuming the crackers.

Sorry, but it looks like cheese is flying out of their butts.


A long time ago I wrote about Jack Benny and Mel Blanc. Mark Evanier found another video of the two of them, this time on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

It's SCARY how good and funny Mel was. And just watch how much Jack appreciated him.


Anyone interested in a new video game?



Well, I have to work this morning. Maybe I'll go to the Park afterwards. We'll see.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Jeff - 2008-06-13 05:26:24 -
Dave, Thanks so much for that link to the Jack Benny/Mel Blanc video. Mel Blanc is/was one of my heroes. I will always remember being eager every Saturday morning to get up and watch the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner hour. Sigh. They just don't make 'em like that any more. In fact, nobody else ever did make 'em like that. They were the best.


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