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2008-07-10 - 11:55 a.m.

Day off today. Laundry is pretty much under control, but I do have some things to take care of.

During Brin's visit, my landlord had portions of our parking area resurfaced. It desperately needed it, but since part of it is owned by the landlord of the next-door property (who gave my landlord a lot of hassle about helping to pay for it) there were many delays. Anyway, it got done.

But beforehand, the workers used a blower to get all the dust and debris off the asphalt. Quite a lot of it blew into my garage, covering everything with a fine layer of dust and dirt. I've been using compressed air to blow the dust off, but I need to sweep the floor.

Just one more thing to do on my day off.


Interesting article here by Dick Morris about Barack Obama. Morris says Obama may be shifting to the middle, but a Democrat-controlled Congress will make him shift back to the far left to govern.

And we've got two prominent Democrats saying we need to raise taxes to pay Medicare costs.


Now here's a man who stood up for his principles.

After Senator Jesse Helms died, a directive went out in North Carolina to fly the American and State flags at state buildings at half-mast. One of the directors didn't think it was appropriate to do so, citing Helms' "doctrine of negativity, hate, and prejudice", so he refused to fly the flags at half-mast. When one of his superiors told him to do so or be fired, he chose to retire.

According to federal flag law "the Governor of a state, territory, or possession, or the Mayor of the District of Columbia, may direct that the national flag be flown at half-staff, in the event of the death of a present or former official of the respective government" (that's in the FAQ but is referenced by the appropriate Presidential Proclamation). And since it was a state building, the governor certainly had the power to instruct that the flags be flown at half-mast. And that employee had every right to retire rather than submit.

I'm sure there are rules and regulations at your job that you don't like. You're always free to walk away if you choose to.


Want to see some of the fun things Congress does?


Well, I'm going to pop some Sudafed before I go sweep.

Later tonight, the Angels play the Rangers - and I want to be able to enjoy it.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

artgnome - 2008-07-11 01:14:27 -
poor congress, and having to squeeze all that work in between those long vacations they are always taking.


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