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Things Can Only Get Better

2008-07-28 - 1:24 p.m.

Late last night, I realized I needed munchies. So I headed to the local Albertson's to get some.

While I was there, I heard the night manager berating another employee for his work skills, or lack thereof. I heard this from three aisles away.

The store was closing by the time I had paid and was heading out. This night manager was holding the doors open...with a cigarette in her other hand. Granted both her feet and the cigarette were outside, but the smoke was blowing into the store. Debate about second-hand smoke continues, but do you want it on the fruits and veggies - which were just inside this particular door?

Lastly, while I was loading my car in the parking lot, I could hear her telling the store employees to "hurry hurry". I guess she wanted to get the fuck out.

All of this struck me as horribly unprofessional...which is what I told the store manager this morning when I called. He was appalled, agreed with me, and said he'd have a meeting with her.

Let's hope it gets better.


Well, it looks like we have reached the tipping point where even the Associated Press is saying we're winning the war in Iraq. Years later than President Bush said it was, but it looks like we made it.

According to the article:

Despite the occasional bursts of violence, Iraq has reached the point where the insurgents, who once controlled whole cities, no longer have the clout to threaten the viability of the central government.

And this is from a reporter who has been following the war since 2003...when it began.


This will end well.


Okay, the day awaits. I have many things to do at work.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

artgnome - 2008-07-28 21:42:45 -
good on you for reporting the bad behavior. If we were all more involved in this kind of customer feedback, just think of how much better it would be. I also report good service as well, as I'm sure you also do.


Brin - 2008-07-29 06:21:03 -
I'm with Artgnome on this one. I can't stand it when people get complacent and arrogant in their job positions. I mean this in the nicest way, but I really hope she got her ass kicked.


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