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Play Along

2008-12-09 - 12:54 p.m.

Yesterday we had a group of 200 that started at 11am and stayed until 830pm. One small batch of the group stayed until past 9pm. We also had three other groups and a birthday party. And we had only had three employees - counting me - after 7pm.

We were a little busy.

Now, in the summertime anything less than 300 people is a quiet day. However, in the summer we usually have twice as many employees working. That's what helps make it quiet - we have more people to share the load. But yesterday, we also had to get the breaks done, so there were times we only had two employees working.

So after work, I came home and fell down.


According to the FBI, the governor of Illinois wanted to "sell" Barack Obama's Senate seat. In a taped conversation, Governor Rod Blagojevich is quoted as saying, "I've got this thing and it's f***ing golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for f***in' nothing."

He also supposedly wanted "something big" from Obama in exchange for "going along" with Obama's preferred choice for the seat.

And the fun continues.


Found this article on Fark - recession-proof kitteh toys.

I already have some of these, and I will testify as to the fun that Solange has with a tear-off plastic strip from a juice bottle.

Laser pointers are cheap, too - I got mine for $5 at PetCo, and already had to replace the batteries once.


Onward into the day. I need to get some lunch before work.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Bob - 2008-12-10 20:04:33 -
I believe the indictment says Rocket Rod was hoping for the HEW Secretary job.


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