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Up On The Roof

2009-01-13 - 12:31 p.m.

The wind continued to blow last night. If anything, it blew harder.

The electricity went out for a split-second. I had to reboot the computer and modem, and the whole system had to be checked. Everything was okay, but you know how Windows gets when it isn't shut down properly.

Even over the CPAP mask, I could hear the wind gusting. Sleep was long in coming, but it did finally come.

I think it was in the back of my mind that a branch or something would break and come through a window. Thankfully, it didn't happen.

This morning, both my morning paper and a UPS package for roommate Jim were found on the roof of the ground-floor apartment that's next to my front door.


Speaking of sleeping, Solange has stopped sleeping on my chest...and I think I know why.

The weather lately has gone up into the 70s and 80s. That's a twenty-degree change from last month. I think Solange would sleep on my chest simply to keep warm...because last month it was down in the 40s at night.


And speaking of Solange...

I've been using Frontline flea drops on her for the last year. Once a month, I break out a little vial from the package and put it on her neck, above her shoulder blades so she can't lick it (she did that once, and the results were messy).

Anyway, I've taken to administering the drops on the 10th of each month. She doesn't like it - it makes the fur wet and a little greasy for a couple days. After the drops, she doesn't talk to me for awhile - she turns her back and ignores me.

So, once a month she's mad at her guy...which makes her a typical female.


My closing quote for almost all of this blog has been "be seeing you". This is from The Prisoner, the classic TV show created by and starring Patrick McGoohan.

Mark Evanier has posted the entire first episode on his website. It's called "Arrival", and opens the series very clearly, especially compared to the later episodes which tend to pose far far more questions than answers.

Anyway, this will give you the chance to see what all the fuss was about. It's a little over fifty minutes, but the first sixteen set up the premise for the whole series.


So, onward into the not-so-windy day.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Bob - 2009-01-14 10:49:11 -
"The Prisoner" was a bizarre tale about a remote island long before J.J. Abrams even conceived of "Lost." (The Village, incidentally, is the real-life resort of Portmerion in the U.K.)


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