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2009-01-26 - 11:53 a.m.

This weekend I got the news that my great-uncle Richard had passed away.

The last time I saw him was a few years ago at my grandfather's funeral and the subsequent family get-together at my mom's house.

No word on any memorial service yet.


Meanwhile, Bob went into the hospital on Friday.

I'll lay odds that he's said to at least one nurse that he only came for the Viagra.


In Indiana, some schools are feeling the crunch - too many new standards and new things that must be taught.

So they are cutting back on what once was mandatory back in my day: teaching cursive.

I remember signing up for typing classes when I was in elementary school (in third grade, IIRC). I had to have the teacher print the practice words, because I couldn't read cursive.

Nowadays, the only thing I regularly write in cursive is my signature. That's probably how it is with most folks now.


You have a few successful comic book movies, and look what happens.


And now, the reason for today's title: this game, which combines physics and whimsy.



I need to make some lunch and get ready for work.

Be seeing you.


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