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2009-01-28 - 11:24 a.m.

The temperature continues to drop - it was into the low 40s last night. My work shirts have become nightshirts.

Thankfully, Solange likes to sleep on my chest when it's this cold...and if she gets too warm, she shifts over to my side.

Brin is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, and Friday is supposed to have temperatures in the low 80s. That's a twenty degree jump upwards.

Brinster to the rescue!!


Some news today about one of the longest-running humor publications out there - MAD.

First, according to Mark Evanier, MAD will be dropping to quarterly publication, and a lot of its side publications are being canceled altogether.

Oh, and just to show that everybody is fair game for satire, the current issue has President Obama on the cover and an article about his first hundred minutes in office.


Our new Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, wants to put limits on offshore drilling, and plans to completely scrap the plan that had already been submitted.

Nancy Pelosi must be thrilled.


Thomas Sowell talks here about the stimulus package, as does David Harsanyi.


Okay. I have a few things to attend to before Brin gets here...including clipping Solange's nails.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-01-28 19:46:21 -
Dude *please* try and comb her, too; the minute I get there she always curls up on my black luggage and cleans her butt hole or projectile sheds. I might do the same on HER stuff some time! :-)


Dave - 2009-01-28 19:47:46 -
Will do.


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