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Double Dutch Bus

2009-02-10 - 11:14 a.m.

Tried to boot up my computer this morning, and the monitor decided it wasn't going to behave.

After some fiddling about, I cleaned the hell out of the graphics card and all is well again.

At some point I'm going to replace this card and the monitor. Maybe with tax money. We'll see.


John Kerry (remember him?) doesn't like the tax cuts in the stimulus bill.

Here's why (emphasis mine):

If you put a tax cut into the hands of a business or family, there's no guarantee that they're going to invest that or invest it in America.

They're free to go invest anywhere that they want if they choose to invest.

That's right - instead of investing where the government says the money should go, they can do what they want! Gee, we can't have that, now can we?


From Mark Evanier's blog comes this link with some interesting Muppet trivia.

Mark also had to go in for jury duty on Monday. What he went through is pretty much the same as what I went through for my service.


Remember the terrible accident that Jack had on Superbowl Sunday? Check out the tributes.

Personally, I think this guy tampered with the brakes on the bus.


Okay, onward.

Shower's free.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Bob - 2009-02-11 12:49:03 -
I think what Kerry is trying to say is that there's no guarantee that individuals would spend tax rebates in a manner that would boost the economy. Kind of like watching bank executives give themselves bonuses after receiving bailout monies for f--king up their patch.


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