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Little Bitty

2009-04-14 - 10:43 a.m.

A whole bunch of little bitty items today.

Just little sound bites and commentary.

Feel free to add yours.


So. Yesterday, Brin and I headed out to the CPAP store so she could watch me buy a new mask.

The store opened at 10:30. We got there at 10:45...and no one was there.

I called the store...and got the voicemail.

So we headed out to HomeTown. On the way, the guy called. "I'm now in the office, come on in!" We were already too far away, so we said we'd come back on Tuesday.

Well, lunch at HomeTown went quickly enough that we ended up going back and getting the mask the same day. So I now have a new mask that is properly adjusted for my face.

Brin told me that the new mask is much quieter than the old one. Previously, she has heard the sound of whistling air when she has gotten up to use the bathroom (which is right next to my bedroom), but that sound wasn't there last night.


After several years and two trials, Phil Spector has been found guilty of murder.

Which means he's NOT a celebrity.


Somali pirates have hijacked another four ships, taking more than 60 people hostage.

Maritime law has provisions for piracy. We don't need a presidential okay. These scumbags need to be dealt with.


My car is under recall.

Evidently there's a possibility of oil drops landing on the exhaust pipes and a fire starting.

I'll get that taken care of this week. I promise.


Al Gore's Current Media had to cancel its IPO, citing "market conditions".

But I thought nobody was supposed to be making money off global warming! My mistake.


A bill has been introduced in the California legislature that would limit the amount of computer and video game time at day care facilities.

Since we are planning to install day care at my work, I'm notifying Walter. He'll want to know about this.


Bought DOOM 3 last week.

What? I finally have a graphics system that can handle it.

Heh heh heh.


Okay. Onward into the day.

Shower's free.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

artgnome - 2009-04-14 18:19:17 -
here in my city in NY, Time Warner has announced they are going to charge us according to "bandwidth usage". They chose us because we only have really one other alternative company and they are worse than TW. The city is in an uproar about it.


Bob - 2009-04-15 09:48:56 -
Technically, Obama's okay *was* needed, since the pirates were Somali nationals holding an American prisoner and we're not at war with them. And he wasn't exercising play-by-play tactical control - that was still the call of the commander on the scene.


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