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Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed

2009-05-11 - 10:56 a.m.

Shortly after I posted on Friday, I realized something:

The Angels were playing at home...and I had the night off from the band.

I did a quick check online and found out tickets were still available in "my" section, so I saved $7.50 by driving to the stadium and buying. Then I ran a couple errands, came home and showered, and went to the ball game.

There's an early afternoon game on Thursday. I just might attend that one, also. The Angels play the Red Sox.

It'll be fun.


Speaking of fun...

Sunday was the 10th of the month, which is when I traditionally put the Frontline flea drops on Solange. I had already decided to dose Laila as well.

But this time, I had to be extra watchful - what if the two of them put aside their differences and groom each other? The last time Solange licked off her flea meds, she threw up. I didn't need two little vomit machines.

I needn't have worried. They blissfully ignored each other's medicine spots.


Also, while I was playing Doom 3 last night, Solange was curled up on the window perch. I paused the game to check on Laila...and found her curled up in Solange's little bed, snoozing.

I warned her that Solange wouldn't like the fact that Laila was there. Laila just closed her eyes and went back to snoozing.

I got up to get a soda and Laila followed me into the kitchen, and didn't return to the bed. So there was no argument then.


Then...comes the dawn.

Solange is curled up with me in my bed. Laila jumps up to join us.

I was afraid to move. Solange knows to run if the alarm goes off or if I move, if the alarm DIDN'T go off when it was supposed to.

Laila walked around me a bit. I held my breath - what if they started a fight, right on top of me?

Solange got up and sat at the edge of the bed. I rolled over a little, and Laila jumped down...with Solange in hot pursuit. They chased for a bit, and then laid back down in the living room.

I've always wondered what it would be like to be in bed with two females. This wasn't what I'd thought it would be like.


Okay. Onward. Too much to do, and just enough time.

Then I get to install a new lasertag computer system at work. Oh joy.

Be seeing you.


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