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All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight

2009-06-01 - 11:36 a.m.

Saturday was a busy busy day for me.

After taking care of lots of parties in lasertag, I headed home for a fast dinner, shower, and clothes change. I then loaded up the drums and headed out.

This was to be our first gig together in exactly six months.


There's no longer a stage per se - there's now a piano bar.

Here's a series of four pictures I took later in the night:

That's Bob in the last pic.

It looks cramped, and it kinda is. Dave Kern stands to my left and runs their sound board. Bob sits to my right and his jacket kept pushing against my ride cymbal, which of course dampens the sound.

But it was a blast.

We had put the word out that we would be at The Other Place (which is the new name of Cero's). And they came. The place was packed. They applauded everything we played - loudly. They danced, they sang along, they were rowdy but no fights broke out. It was a lot of fun.

About halfway through the second set, entertainment coordinator and possible-bar-owner Billy Dee - the same Billy Dee that made the Cero's-is-closing announcement - got on the mic and asked the crowd if they would like us to be there every Saturday night.

The roar was deafening.

Billy then put us on the spot and asked us if we would be willing to come back for Saturday nights. Dave Kern gave a provisional yes. Bob said yes. I said I'd need some time to think about it...then I looked at my watch for about two seconds and said, "Ah, what the hell...I'll do it!"

So we're going to have a regular gig again. I have a couple schedule conflicts in the next couple weeks, so we're going to start on June 27th.

I'm looking forward to it. I've missed playing.


We were only supposed to play till 12:30. When we played our "farewell" song, Billy got back up and said, "Will you folks stay around if we have them play for another hour?" The crowd cheered. We shrugged and played till 1:30am.

Then came the breakdown. Since there's only one opening to the piano bar and we don't have the space we had before, it took a bit longer to take everything apart. But it did get done, and I was in my car by 2:30am.

There will be some changes when I come down on the 27th. First, since we're not using our PA, there's some equipment I don't need to bring. Second, I wasn't sure how we would fit behind the piano bar. Now that I know, set-up will take less time. Third, the new gig bag works really well, as does the new hi-hat I won't need the old gig bag or the old hi-hat stand.

Less to haul around and set up. Kewl.


Then came Sunday. After seven hours of sleep, I worked my usual Sunday shift. I came home very tired, got out of my work clothes and into my comfies, opened my e-mail...and found out that my game group had announced a surprise game night.

As much as I would have liked to go, I was just too wiped out. So I took a nap instead.

Woke up after four hours, fed the kittehs and myself, and noodled around on the computer until about 2am.


Woke up THIS morning, and found Laila asleep in my computer chair. I grabbed the cell phone and took a pic:

I tried to get to the camera for a better shot, but it was in the living room. By the time I got to it, Laila was up and around.


We have a grad night this week, and my schedule has been scrambled.

But I still have to work today. So, onward.

Be seeing you.


3 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-06-01 18:51:57 -
Wow, you mean Laila slept in SOLANGE'S computer chair? That's really good. :-)


:) - 2009-06-02 17:33:20 -


art - 2009-06-02 17:43:50 -
ok try as i might here on the library puter! comment! i love the pic of laila in the puter chair!! seems solange has accepted her now!! yay!!


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