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Original Set-Up,
Maintenance, and
HTML Goddess:
Brin-Marie McLaughlin

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Dave Marron

Kids In America

2009-06-11 - 12:08 p.m.

Last night was the prep for the big grad night we have every year.

This school has had their grad night with us every year for the entire time I've been there. They love us so much, they schedule for next year as soon as this year's grad night is done.

Usually I spend my time telling them where to set things up and where electrical outlets are and such. This time, they had pictures from last year, so they already knew how things needed to be set up.

And when the guys with the inflatables showed up, I showed them where their area was and what outlets would serve them...and they did their thing.

When the GM showed up at 9pm, everything was ready. I had to do two more minor fixes, and that was it.

Smoothest set-up ever.


In the Laila News Dept., I checked on both kittehs before I went to bed. They were curled up on adjoining chair at the dining room table, sleeping peaceably.

I gave them skritches and went off to my own bed.

We're still asking for donations to the Laila Repair fund. If you'd like to contribute, please click the button to your left, say thankya.


Just as I predicted yesterday, the UN is writing up sanctions against North Korea.

Because we all know how well Saddam Hussein obeyed them.


This guy is a Maury episode all by himself. He's 29 and has twenty-one children. Since he can't afford the child support, he's in court a LOT.

Your tax dollars at work.


Well, I'm still a little sleepy, and I'll be doing studio work with Bob tonight.

So I may take a nap. We'll see.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

art - 2009-06-11 21:55:04 -
happy napping!! always love to read the adventures of solange and laila!


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